New Year's Sale Fair 2019




Jeans for the first time in 2019.

Announcement of the New Year's sale fair.


Jeans Museum & Village

・Outlet store   Date: January 3rd (Thurs) - 6th (Sun)

One-coin (¥500) wagon sale!! Now available

・Betty's Store  Date: January 4th (Thurs) - 6th (Sun)

If you spend over ¥5000 in the shop, we'll make your own strap for free!!



Ebisu Workshop (Tokyo) Date: January 4th (Thurs) - 6th (Sun)

If you spend over ¥5000 in the shop, we'll make your own strap for free!

Click here for an introduction to Ebisu KoboBetty Smith Ebisu Studio

Please check here for closing dates for the New Year holidays.

Notice of New Year's holiday closure


I hope 2019 will be a good year too!

We look forward to welcoming everyone.