Denim seats for cars "BRIDE Euro Star 2 Betty Smith"





The sports seats made from Japanese denim fabric were unveiled at the Tokyo Auto Salon 2018 and were well received.
[EUROSTERII BettySmith] will be available in a limited run of 150 from April 1stBRIDE Meister ShopIt will be released in advance.
(Orders will begin on March 1st)


BRIDE's sports seats are used in many race cars driven by professional drivers in Gymkhana, D-1, SUPER GT, and other races.

It holds your body firmly in place, so you won't get tired even on long drives.

And because we wanted car-loving women to also pay attention to the interior of the car, we came up with seats made of denim.


Available in two colors: dark denim and bleached denim.

The dark denim is made from denim that is resistant to fading, and the bleaching is done in Okayama using the same techniques as for jeans.


If you love jeans and cars, you should definitely try denim seats as well.

The Betty Smith logo also shines uniquely.


[EUROSTER II Betty Smith]

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